Monday, March 14, 2011

I'm 29

On Saturday I turned 29 and decided that this is the time to make changes. I've always read lists and articles about all of the things you should do before you turn 30. So I decided to make my own list and I've got one year to complete it. There are a million things I'd have loved to do before my 30th birthday, but now that it's only a year away, there's just one thing that seems vital to me. I need to lose weight. I have 148 pounds to lose to get to my goal weight. I want to lose a large portion of that total before I turn 30. At least 100 pounds. I know it seems like a lofty goal but I'm positive it can be done.
Right now I have 27 days left until I go to the Biggest Loser Resort at Fitness Ridge in Ivins, UT. I'll be there for 2 weeks to get a big kick start in my weight loss.
I have a lot of work to do in the next month to get ready for the Resort. Lots of workouts and very little caffeine. (They won't let you have caffeine there so I had to stop my coffee and Diet Dr. Pepper habit.)

One last thing...the reason for my website address: Fuzzbalah is the nickname my husband gave my kitten when we first got her. She's my animal soul mate and it was the first thing that came into my head.


  1. Jamie, I know that you can succeed at any goal you decide to go after, and I know you'll be able to hit at least 100 lbs a year from now! I've been on a similar journey for the past two years so if there is any support or advice I can offer, I'm here. And of course I'll always be there to cheer you on, too. It's important to have someone to work through the tough times with, but it's just as important to be able to share the victories, too.
    And I'm really jealous you get to go to Fitness Ridge!!! I can't wait to read about your experiences there!

  2. I love you dearly my friend and wish you the best of luck. I am here for you every step of the way! You are completely wonderful (despite your constant nagging about that stupid IHOP thing)! And next time u come visit (or when I am there) we can do a nice hike or something to burn off all those calories we are sure to consume at local drinking establishments;) Kiss kiss!

  3. You are awesome and I know that you can accomplish anything you want to!

  4. You go girl!! I have known you forever and I have never known you to fail when you put your mind to accomplishing any goal, so I know that YOU can do it! If you can dream it, you can achieve it!!
