Monday, April 25, 2011

Day 14 and 1st Day Home

I apologize for not writing yesterday but it's really been a very busy last few days.
I woke up yesterday at around 7:30. Laid in bed for a few minutes and then called Chris. He asked if I was packed and leaving yet. I laughed at him. He said to hurry and come home. Jessica said "don't leave me!" I missed Chris but I didn't want to leave. I really grew to love Fitness Ridge and the people there. I had my weigh in at 8 so I went there first before eating. During the two weeks that I was there, I lost 15.3 pounds and 8.5 inches total. My BMI dropped 2.4 as well. One of my goals was to lose more weight the second week than I did the first. With 6 pounds the first and 9.3 the second, I did. I'm happy with those numbers.
For breakfast I had granola and almond milk, then I went up to my room to pack. Jessica came up for a while and tried to convince me to stay. Then she went down to the lobby. Allie came next and laid on Jessica's bed and talked to me while I finished packing and wrote a letter to Jessica.
It was so hard to say goodbye to everyone. When I said goodbye to Allie and Jessica I cried. I didn't want to leave the resort at all.
It was a very long drive from St. George to Pocatello and I spent a good portion of it on the phone with my brother, my mom and Chris. My brother, Michael, was driving to Salt Lake from Idaho Falls and we stopped to see eachother. He's lost 50 pounds in the last year and just in the last month or so he's grown his hair longer. He looks so good! He told me I look thinner, especially in my face.
When I got home, Kitten was standing by the door. Right when she saw me she started meowing, yelling at me for leaving her. I pet her for a minute and then she followed me for the next 5 minutes yelling at me non-stop. When I opened the door to Chris's office and he saw me, he teared up. He hugged and kissed me and said it was easier to hug me now cause I'm smaller. I didn't know 15 pounds would really make much of a difference but it made me feel wonderful!
I spent the rest of the night hanging out with Chris, telling him about everything and showing him my videos of the resort.
At about 9:30 he asked if I wanted to watch a movie, but I started yawning and decided to go to bed instead. My body is just on a different time clock now. Chris is very happy about that and so am I.
This morning I got up at 7:30 and Chris and I made breakfast together and ate together before he went to work. I loved it and want to make that our new morning routine.
I spent most of the day today reading my resort cookbooks and planning food for the week and grocery shopping. Shopping takes a lot longer when you have to read every single label. Eventually I will get used to it and just buy the same things but this first trip took a long time. When I got home, Taryn texted me and I told her to come see me. She hung out with me while I cut chicken into 4 oz portions and put them into separate ziplock bags. Then she helped me cook dinner and ate with Chris and I. We had Arugula and Goat Cheese stuffed chicken over Polenta with roasted red peppers and asparagus on the side. The recipes were from the resort cookbook and all together dinner was 500 calories and filled the whole plate. I was completely full and so were Taryn and Chris.
I'm starting to feel like I can really handle doing all of this at home too. I'm already getting tired so I'll probably go to bed around 9:30 again.
Jess, Karen, Allie, Sophia, Erin, Dana, Julie, Laurie - I miss you!


  1. I love this blog! You are such a talented writer. I was talking to Jeanne about how fun it is to read your blogs, not tiring at all. I start and just can't stop reading what you have going on and seeing your feelings about everything. I can't wait to talk to you and see you@

  2. Way to go!!! 15 Pounds??? You must be so proud of yourself. I'm excited to see how you manage to keep the changes you made at Fitness Ridge as part of your new normal routine. That's what I think will be so challenging. But doable!!


  3. I'm happy you got home okay. I kept wishing I was with you all day. I hope you can get into a routine at home that's compatible with your life at the ranch. Fifteen lbs is fantastic. Keep up the blog when you have the time because you have a whole fan base now and we need our daily fix. Love ya lots
