Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 8 - Monday!

I can't even remember the last time I was excited for it to be Monday. In just one week I feel like almost a different person...but it's still familiar, still me. But better. I'm a million times stronger than I was a week ago.
Got up this morning at 5:30. It was weird. I was dreaming that I was at my parents' house and when I woke up I thought "I need to go home". Then I opened my eyes and didn't know where I was. My roommate said "Good morning, Sunshine" and I laughed and remembered where I was. I got dressed and went to Yogalates. It's kind of nice to wake up to that because it's slow stretching. I went to the dining room after and saw that breakfast was a breakfast sandwich. I'm not crazy about the breakfasts here for some reason so I'm glad that granola with almond milk or eggs and toast are always an option. I had eggs with toast and a tiny bit of ketchup.

Since it's Monday our hike was an assessment hike to put us in the hiking groups we should be in. I did much better than last week and am being moved up a hiking group. I'm quite proud of that.
The hike was Temple Quarry. I didn't like it. It wasn't that hard but there were all these sharp rocks all over the place that people kept tripping on. I slipped at one point and fell on my butt. The hike guides say I'm a good faller. Figure skating training at work. I knew that would help me some day! Another girl, Erin, fell in the exact same spot as me and sprained her ankle. They had to help her down the mountain and she's having a really hard time walking. She's an incredibly strong woman. This is her 8th week of 8 and she's had a lot of crazy injuries. Since she hurt her ankle, she spent the rest of the day working out in the pool. She tried to come here a while ago and slipped getting in the pool on her first day and broke her foot. Now she's back.
After the hike we had Stretch class, then lunch. Lunch was vegetable soup and a turkey rice bowl. The soup had brussel sprouts in it. Weird. The turkey rice bowl was good. It had a sauce with chilies and tomatillos.
Since it's my 2nd week I don't go to all of the lectures. While all the new people were in lecture the rest of us had open gym. One of the trainers, Tiffany, taught a dance class, which I loved.
We started with the Macarena and also learned dances to Apple Bottom Jeans and another song I can't remember the name to.
After Open Gym I got a whole 20 minute break. It was awesome. I laid down for a few minutes. Next we had Core Training which is pretty self explanatory. Next was a pool class and then Circuit. I asked a trainer, Nicole, which class I'd burn the most calories. She said Circuit so I decided to take it twice and skip the pool. I was just pouring sweat for 2 hours. I ran at 5.5 mph for a minute and a half, at 6.0 for a minute and I got up to 6.5 but only for about 15 seconds. I'm going to keep trying to extend those times.
After classes we had dinner, which was chili with cornbread. The chili was great. The cornbread was not that great, but I put it in the chili and that was awesome. We had a pineapple skewer for dessert.
We have two past Biggest Loser contestants here this week. Sophia Franklin and Allie Ishcomer, both from Season 10. We're on Season 11 now. Their finale was just in December so they are both still working on losing the rest of their weight. I sat and talked to them for a while and then they got up and talked to people about their experience on the Biggest Loser. It was pretty cool to hear their thoughts and feelings about their experiences. They both said they'd do it again in a heartbeat. Here is Allie with my roomie, Jessica.

Sophia didn't want her picture taken after 7 hours of working out. I totally understand. I wouldn't either.
We all came back to our rooms and I started typing my blog. Apparently Jessica is afraid of bugs because there was a big flying one in our room and she started squealing so I caught it and put it outside. Jessica is really funny and I'm relieved that I'm having two good roommate experiences.
It's almost 9 o'clock and that means it's bedtime so...good night!


  1. Sounds like you took advantage of everything that you could today. I'm so proud of you for continuing to give it your all! Happy about your roommate, even though she's a patriots fan and is lucky enough to live in DENVER! Keep up the high energy and have fun. Love you lots! Sweet dreams!

  2. I'm so proud of you honey! I can't wait to start our hikes, I'm gonna have to work to keep up with you :). I love you so much!

  3. Soooo jealous you met Sophia and Allie (although I would probably cry if it had been Tara because she's my favorite!)!!!! I think Sophia is from MD around the DC area, though! PLEASE keep blogging after you get home! I love reading about your workouts and the strength you're finding in yourself. I think it helps all of us readers find more strength within ourselves and gives us motivation to keep going on our own journeys. ALSO, I wanted to tell you about the website It's kind of like facebook but for working can track runs/bike rides/fitness workouts/etc. on it as well as get good information from the community section about races, challenges, routes, etc. I love using it and I think it's a good tool you could use when you get home. Anyway, love you and can't wait to read your next post tonight!

  4. It sounds like you're having the time of your life even when you're in pain. I just wish I could be there to watch you. I agree you should keep blogging wwhen you get home. I look forward to reading it every day and will go through serious withdrawals if it stops. I think you could scrub a toilet, write about it and make it sound like a great experience. Love ya' lots
