Friday, April 15, 2011

Day 5 - I'm getting good at this.

Wow! I can't believe it's already Friday. This week really has gone by quickly. I've been so busy that I almost didn't notice that the week was almost over. I'm feeling a million times stronger now than I did a week ago, both physically and mentally. Today felt like the easiest day so far. Still a lot of work, but there was no doubt I could make it through it.
I took this picture on the way to breakfast. The rooms that we stay in are behind me.
These are the doors to the non-pool classes. The left door is to the aerobics room which is where we do yoga, kickboxing, toning, etc. The right room is to the gym.

Menu for today:

Breakfast was a parfait of Greek yogurt and granola. At the top was blackberries, pineapple and cantaloupe. It was pretty good but I still wasn't really hungry.

This is Dana. I met her on the Biggest Loser Resort at Fitness Ridge Alumni page on Facebook. This is her second trip here.

Today's hike was Hidden Pinyon. I LOVED it! It was a lot of climbing over rocks. Lauren, my favorite guide, says there's a hidden hiker in me trying to get out. Turns out I love to climb rocks. This is my friend, Julie, and I at the beginning of the hike. Julie will be here next week too.

We got to the top of this mountain of sandstone and there were a stack of big black rocks on the top, so I climbed them.

This is what most of the terrain on the hike looked like.

According to our guide, this little pool was in the movie Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.

Lauren, my favorite guide:

After the hike I went back to my room, washed my feet and rebandaged them. I have a really annoying blister on my right foot between my big toe and the one next to it and down onto the ball of my foot. I put on a band-aid and then this awesome duct tape over it. Mom got me a whole bag of things I might need and one thing was the leopard duct tape. Everyone loves it and I have to hide it from one of the trainers so she doesn't take it. Here's my foot during Stretch class.

There are several reasons that I'm feeling better now. Mostly, my body has adjusted to the exercise and food. Another big thing that helps me be less nauseous is Propel. Apparently it replenishes electrolytes lost through sweating. I just know that if I sip it slowly it helps my stomach. Also, no calories!

After Stretch class it was time for lunch. I was actually a little hungry. We had French Onion soup and chicken Caesar salad. I was hungry so I actually forgot to take pictures until I'd already started eating and then it didn't look like anything.
Today at lunch I sat with Laurie, who I also met on the Resort Facebook page. She will also be here next week.

After lunch we had Circuit class, which is in the gym. My ankle was bothering me a little but I pushed through and made it through the class. Next was Zumba. I was pretty excited to try Zumba, which is like a dance exercise class. It was fun but I didn't really like to watch myself in the mirror. Last class of the day was Liquid Moves in the pool. This guy is John who is a really sweet guy who has kids my age. He is always encouraging me. I really like him.

After the pool was dinner. We had a turkey burger. It was so so good. And for the first time since I've been here, I was starving! It was really good. I cut it in half and took a bite, then remembered I hadn't taken a picture yet. I will definitely make this at home.

Our table at dinner:

For dessert we had some orange slices with dark chocolate drizzled over them. It was amazing! Julie loved the chocolate so much that she licked it off the plate.

After dinner I showered and realized I wasn't tired yet. I needed some thank you cards so Julie and I went to Target. I'm really glad that I have my car here because it was nice to drive with the windows down and walk around in a store. It's such a safe bubble here that everything in the real world becomes foreign very quickly.
Julie couldn't find what she needed at Target so I took her to Best Buy. It shared a parking lot with In n Out.
I did NOT go to In n Out...or get any food or drinks at all. Yay me!
Well, I'm going to go to bed now. Thanks so much to everyone who is reading my blog. I will try to actually answer your questions on Sunday so if you have any others go ahead and write them in the comments.
B - Please cuddle kitten for me. I love you so much!


  1. Sounds like you had a great day. Dad says he's glad you passed on In n Out. Yaye! You've almost gotten through a whole week. Time flys! Great pictures! Beautiful Rock formations! Keep on workin hard and have fun! You're lookin great! lOVE YOU LOTS!

  2. Love your photography and your writing. Remember when we discussed this on our trip? Keep havin' fun and making new friends.

  3. Yay you!! I would have been so tempted to get fries or anything really at In and Out. I am very proud of you for passing. I splurged that night on Pachangas, and let's just say that it totally felt like a waste and I am still paying for it as I type. You sound so happy and I love reading your blog. I am addicted! :) I am so glad that you are getting so much out of this experience!! :) Take care!

  4. I'll go hiking with you anytime you want this summer, Jamie. I know some great trails around here! Miss you....
