Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 2

5:30 am - The alarm rings. I turn it off and wish it was 3 hours earlier. Then the phone rings for my wake up call. So I step out of bed and realize that every single part of my body hurts. Even my eyelashes hurt. I have never been anywhere near this sore in my whole life. I briefly contemplate going back to bed.
5:31 am - I realize that old me (from 3 days ago) would go back to bed. So I grab my clothes and start getting ready.
5:50 am - I'm early for Yogalates (optional). EARLY! Me! The good part about being early is you get the best spots.
6:00 am - Yogalates. It all hurts. Everything hurts. Yoga does not help. I'm feeling really frustrated that the week isn't getting easier or better. I realize it's only day 2 but day 1 was hard enough without being so sore. How am I going to do this?
6:55 am - I talk to Paige (Program Director) about the fact that I'm very nauseous and don't want to eat. She talks about the importance of fueling your body for the workouts. She says of course that I don't have to eat but I should at least take almonds and fruit on the hike with me in case I need them.
7:00 am - I suck it up and eat the muffin, but not the fruit.

I don't know if I wasn't crazy about it or if I just didn't feel well enough to be eating.
8:00 am - We leave for the hike. I'm now in a hiking group with people more at my level. It's definitely one of the slowest vans, but I'm okay with that. This hike changed my attitude completely. I was behind only one other person the whole hike, and I was very close to her. I pushed very hard to try to keep up with her. I sweated like crazy but I could do it and it felt amazing. We went on a beautiful hike.

The guide I hiked with most of the way was Lauren. She was really cool and we had a lot in common. She had her first child (a girl) just 2 months ago.

Me and Gail in the Hippo's Mouth.

My hiking group's shadow hands on a rock. Mine are the ones at the bottom that are supposed to look like rabbits.
11:15 am - Stretch class. It was really good after the hike because I was so tense. But it still wasn't easy. My flexibility has really gone downhill.
12:15 pm - Lunch!!! I was starving! This chicken/coconut soup looks gross but it was wonderful! It tasted like Thai food to me so it was some of the flavors from my regular life that I really love.

Also for lunch was Quinoa Lettuce Wraps with turkey. Funny. My spellcheck doesn't recognize quinoa, and I'm spelling it right. These were good, but not my favorite thing. However, it probably didn't help their case that I had them right after the best soup ever.

1:00 pm - We had a calorie challenge where they showed us pictures of drinks and pastries from Starbucks and we guessed the calories. The top 3 people in the challenge won really great prizes. Sadly, I did not win. I actually overestimated the calories.
1:30 pm - We had a talk from the Chef. Cameron Payne. Look him up on Facebook and become his friend or fan or whatever. He posts recipes from the resort on there. He did a little cooking demo and showed us the brands and products he uses. I've heard so much about him that I was a little starstruck...totally dorky of me. I get starstruck by chefs the way others would by singers or actors.
2:30 pm - Total Toning. This class was all weights. Total muscle failure several times. So so so hard.
3:30 pm - Deep Water Suspension. A pool class that happened entirely in the deep end. There are these special weights for the pool and we worked the exact same muscles as Total Toning. It was pretty brutal.
4:30 pm - Cardio Intervals. The absolute hardest thing I've done here. It's a complex set of intervals of resistance and speed. You pick a cardio machine and stay on the same one the whole time. The options are elliptical, bike and treadmill. I hate the treadmill. It's so so hard for me. I think the elliptical is fun and I think the bike is easy. So I chose the treadmill. I'm not here to do what's easy. On the speed intervals I ran at 5 mph. After 6 hours of exercise. I ran. Then the last interval I ran at 5.5 mph. I almost put my hands on the rail several times but always stopped myself just before I touched it. When I ran that fast the entire row of bikes and ellipticals cheered for me. They screamed and clapped and yelled my name and even counted down for me. I cried through that whole 45 seconds but also couldn't quit smiling. They gave me the energy to finish it. It was one of the most incredible experiences I've ever had. Everyone told me how great I'd done after, including the trainer. It was surreal.
5:30 pm - Dinner. I laid my head on the table while waiting for my food. I was so tired. But not too tired for white bean chili...which was very very good.
Dessert was a vanilla and chocolate parfait with pineapple and kiwi at the top. It was good but I was so full that I could barely eat it. Imagine being full on 1200 calories!

Actually, less. One extra piece of fruit is included in the 1200 calories and I didn't take it today and didn't finish my breakfast because I was just so full. Apparently some people's bodies react to a lot of exercise this way. I'm learning to look at food as fuel for my body to be capable of doing the things I'm asking of it. After dinner we had a lecture...more on nutrition. I really have learned so much from these lectures.
I'm really excited to get my hands on Chris when I get home and teach him a lot of the stuff I've learned.
One thing we talked about a lot today is negative self talk. It's interesting that we are so nice to other people and so mean to ourselves. We'd never walk up to someone and say "You look horrible today". But what do we do when we look in the mirror? Say that to ourselves. I know that I am very very negative towards myself and this is one thing that I really need to work on.
9:28 pm - Biggest Loser is over. I finally finished my blog. My roommate is already sleeping and my day is now over. Goodnight.

Mom, Dad, Michael - I love you!
Chris - I miss you but this is going to be so good for both of us and I can't wait to get you started. I love you so so much.


  1. We love you too Jame! We're so proud of you for taking advantage of your great opportunity to be there and to learn so much about yourself and how to take care of YOU! Keep on keepin on tomorrow and I hope you get some good rest tonight!

  2. Jamie, I am crying right now! What an awesome experience!! I am so very proud of you. You are so strong and competitive!! You Are going to move mountains! By the way, beautiful pictures!! Keep up the good work, friend!

  3. I am so proud to be able to call you one of my best friends! I am soo soo soo unbelievably excited for you. I love you and keep up all the good work!

  4. It looks like it is beautiful there! You picked a good time of year to go! Keep up the hard work, it will all be worth it!

  5. You are an excellent writer. I feel like I am there with you. It sounds like you are doing great!

  6. This may be your second post from me today because I'm a slow learner. Anyway I'm sooo proud of you. Hope your eybrows are better. Love ya Gram

  7. it gets easier! i promise. and good for you for choosing the treadmill! im suuuuuuuper jealous you got lauren. i spent a lot of time with her the last time i was here - while she was pregnant! she is my favorite. which is saying a lot because they are all great :) chin up, youre doing awesome.
