Saturday, April 16, 2011

Day 6

Today there was no early morning Yoga class so we got to sleep in until 7. I can't believe that 7 was sleeping in to me! I went down to the dining room and had granola for breakfast.

After breakfast it was time for our hike. On Saturday you choose which hike you want to go on. I chose West Canyon because it was the only hike of the three choices that I hadn't done yet. It was flat the whole way and a really easy hike. I walked most of the way with a guy named John from California. He has four kids, the oldest is my age. As we were walking, he pointed in the distance and said "See that building? That's a hot dog stand." It wasn't. Here's John with the closed hot dog stand.
We saw this speed limit sign and had to slow down. We were getting a little crazy.

Beautiful scenery on the hike.

I like the rocks with the ridges in them.

After the hike we played water volleyball. Turns out I am still horrible at anything resembling a team sport.
Lunch today was roasted red pepper soup and an asian chicken wrap.

My roomie, Karen, and I on the couch in the lobby.

After lunch Karen, Iris, Lisa and I went to an art community close by. They had chalk drawings on the sidewalk that look nothing like the way I draw on the sidewalk.

In a pottery studio.

An artist still at work on her piece.

This one was done in honor of Fitness Ridge.

When we got back to the resort Dana was leaving. A few people left today to get home in time for work on Monday.

Dinner was a Cobb salad. The dressing was very light but I loved it.

Dessert was banana cream pie. I really liked it despite the fact that I'm not crazy about bananas.

After dinner was graduation. There's a videographer who videos throughout the week and we watched that video. We all get copies of it. Then everyone went around and talked about what they had learned during their time here. I spoke too, even though I'm not leaving yet.
After graduation a local performing arts school performed for us. It was really cute.
Lisa, me and Iris after the performance.

After that we all hung around the pool for a while and talked about what it was going to be like for the people leaving to be back in the real world. We're in a very safe bubble here with no temptations. We're all trying to plan meals in advance and figure out what we need to do to keep up the progress at home. One girl called her husband and asked him to clean the kitchen out and get rid of the foods she needs to not have around when she gets home.
Now I'm back up in my room. Karen is packing because she leaves tomorrow and I get a new roommate. I'm nervous again about a new roommate because I got so lucky the first time.
Today is probably the first day that I'm feeling homesick. I'm a little down tonight. Sad that some of the people I've met are leaving. Most of the people that are staying I haven't really talked to much, except John, Julie and Laurie. I'm sort of missing Chris and my babies and family and friends. Coincidentally, today is the first day that I haven't been working my ass off all day. I'm thinking that's probably related. Tomorrow we are supposed to rest all day and not work out but I think I'm going to spend some time in the gym and on the street strider because the exercise makes me happier.
This is something I'm going to have to remember at home when I start to feel down. If I'm too busy to think...I probably won't have time to be sad.


  1. you've learned that workouts always make you feel better throughout the day. remember why you're there. be thankful for this opportunity and take advantage of all the time just for YOU! have a wonderful sunday! Love you lots. Sweet dreams!

  2. Jamie, Please don't feel down. Just have a little bit of fun and relax a little bit. You need to have that because next week will be really hard. I feel bad that you didn't like to look at yourself in the mirror during Zumba, but I feel bad about looking at myself too! I look like a white girl with really REALLY bad rhythm. I think I am a super awesome dancer so...this is really unpleasant for me! Anyway, take care of yourself!

  3. Jamie, I think what you're doing is so neat. I wouldn't worry about your next roomie... I think it is impossible not to get along with you. You're doing great! I look forward to reading more of your posts. :)

  4. You are amazing - remember how you feel now so that when you are tempted to lose your focus you remember even when you don't feel it - exercise will make you happier! I can't wait to see you - in this picture you look like you already are changing body shape. That is astonishing for one week. Great job lady - I love you!
