Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day 7

Sundays at Fitness Ridge are supposed to be a day of rest. I hung out this morning with my friends who were leaving and said goodbye to everyone. It was really sad to see some of the people go. Then I hung out around the resort waiting for my new roommate. A couple of days ago I got letters from a bunch of my friends from work. It was the sweetest thing ever and so so nice to get mail from home. Thank you guys!
My friend Hetty made two pages for me that I now have up in my room for inspiration. Here's the first:I love that she calls me stubborn. I've always been told that I'm stubborn but never thought of it as a good thing until now. I love that page. Hetty and I also watch the Biggest Loser together (and Taryn). We always laugh about how during the weigh-ins, right before commercial break, they will show Bob looking shocked. Then they cut to commercial and when they come back Bob is never really shocked. Hetty sent me this page too:

At the top it says "Bob is getting ready for Jamie's weigh in". The next picture says "Bob is shocked". The last one says "Bob is very happy with Jamie's progress".
Speaking of weigh-ins. I weighed myself this morning and have lost 6 pounds so 6 1/2 days. I feel really good about that. We've learned so much about the science of weight loss. You have to burn 3500 calories to lose a pound. So it makes a lot of sense that it would be very difficult. I don't get my official weigh-in or measurements until next Sunday.

I spent some time in the pool today, swimming, doing some exercises with the pool weights, etc. Then I came back to my room and showered. My new roommate got here around 3. Her name is Jessica and she's from Denver.

She seems nice. She's funny. She's never been here before and wants to become a better athlete. I showed her around and we played on the Street Striders.
Dinner tonight was Turkey Stroganoff. Not a very pretty picture but it was good. I added Tabasco because you can never have too much spice.

After dinner we went around and told why were here and for those of us who have already been here for a week or more, we gave advice. I told everyone to make sure and ask for help if you are struggling with anything. And I said my second piece of advice is to go directly to the gift shop and buy Body Glide. Cover your body in it head to toe before you do anything else.
Body Glide is awesome for preventing blisters or chafing.
Now I'm back to my room and can't believe I'm really ready for it to be Monday again. Sunday is kind of boring and I'm ready to get back to working out for 7 hours.


  1. I LOVE BODY GLIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They make a special formula for women and it's AMAZING!!! Love you!!!

  2. The pages that Hetty made for you are awesome! How sweet is that?! Is your new roommate a Denver Broncos fan? I'm excited for you to start your 2nd week. You'll do great! Enjoy every minute! I love you! HUGS to you! Love Mom

  3. You have some good good friends. I hope that this next week is as good for you as the last. I know that you'll do awesome. Love you so much. Dad (for some reason your moms post wouldn't go)

  4. Moo - The person who invented Body Glide is my hero!
    Mom and Dad - My roommate says she's a Broncos fan unless they are playing the Patriots.
