Sunday, April 10, 2011

Here I am!

So I got to Fitness Ridge today at about 1 pm. Checked in, got my schedule and bathrobe. Then I came to my room. My roommate wasn't in the room so I brought my stuff up and wondered which bed was mine. Luckily, she got there about 30 seconds later. Her name is Karen and I LOVE her! My biggest stress coming here was that my roommate would be mean or not like me. Karen is so easy-going and funny. I guess her roommate last week wasn't very nice so we're both happy to have good roommates.
Our room:
Karen showed me around the resort and then I had to go weigh in. I weighed in at officially my highest weight ever. Sorry...but blog-world doesn't get to know my actual weight. They also measured me and did this machine that tells my BMI. After I got the bad news I got a water bottle that has the Biggest Loser logo and says "I just got a Jump Start at The Resort". Very cute. Then I had to go wait in a hallway with 4 other people for the Life Coach to talk to us. She's a cute little thing named Jen who I guess used to be overweight and lost her weight here at the resort. She had each of us tell why we were here. Then she talked to us about how our experiences in our lives shaped who we are today, including how they affect our weight. She said that our weight is determined by out Fitness, Nutrition and Emotional Well-Being.
After that I walked around with 2 girls that were talking to the Life Coach with me, Iris and Lisa. We went outside and got on the Street Striders, sort of a cross between and bike and an elliptical.

Here's me by the sign:

After that we went to dinner in the gorgeous dining room:

Here's the menu for the day. I was only here for dinner and dessert:

Here's the tamale:

The tamale was amazing! Everyone loved it. For dessert we had chocolate pie. I forgot to take a picture but it was good too. Then we had Orientation, which was led by a cute lady named Danae. We all went around and said our name, where we were from and why we were here. After that Danae had us turn around our name tags so she couldn't see them and went around and said every single person's name. It was amazing that she remembered everyone.
After orientation I saw a woman, Laurie, who I met on the Facebook group. She got here really late so I took her around to show her the Resort.
Now I'm back in my room hanging with my roomie. Just talked to Chris on the phone. I miss him so much but I'm thrilled to be here and loving every single second.

For those of you who I talk to regularly at home: Please forgive me for not answering your calls and texts. I have about one hour of free time a night to relax, write my blog and talk to my husband. I will read my comments on here but I don't have much time besides that. Thanks so much for all the support.

xoxo B!


  1. Sounds like you're off to a good start. You finally got to try out the BIKE! This time is ALL ABOUT YOU! No need to apologize for not texting or calling, just concentrate on YOU! Have a great 1st full day tomorrow. Love you lots!

  2. It looks and sounds awesome! I am so excited for you!! The tamale looks like it was amazing! THe menu looks delicious too. I am a little jealous! :) You are going to have an amazing experience!

  3. So cool. Thanks for so much detail! I am gonna be addicted to this blog!

  4. dont worry about not talking to anyone, this time is about YOU-YOU and....oh yeah, YOUUUUUUUUUU!
