Saturday, April 9, 2011

The day before...

Wow! The drive to Fitness Ridge was probably the most intense drive I've ever been on. My Gram rode with me and she's going home to Arizona tomorrow. My Grandpa is going to pick her up in the morning. We had every form of precipitation that exists in nature between my house and St. George, Utah. Rain, snow, sleet, hail...and the weather would switch immediately without notice. Very odd.
We left at 9:30 this morning. Stopped for gas. Stopped at Starbucks (coffee for Gram, chai tea for me). Stopped to make sure we had a bag my Gram needed. Drove a bit. Stopped for a bottle of water. Drove. Stopped because my GPS (Bertha) told us to exit for Lehi about and hour and a half early. Stopped at a gas station for directions. They said not to listen to the GPS. Drove some more. Stopped at Lehi and found the house the Brown's lived in on Sister Wives.

The neighbor yelled to me "They're not that interesting". I'm sure they're sick of having people drive past the house. Oh well, we had to at least see it. As we drove back to the interstate Bertha tried to send us down this road:

Luckily, we figured it out. After that we went to lunch at Paradise bakery, then drove on. Stopped for gas. Stopped for coffee and Powerade. Stopped on the side of the road to pry the ice off the windshield wipers with my fingernails.

Finally got to St. George and went to dinner at the Claim Jumper. Came back to the hotel and now it's time for bed. I'm so glad that Gram came with me. She's hilarious and made me laugh all day.

Now my nerves are pretty much gone and I'm just so excited for tomorrow and for this to all start. Mom and Dad, thank you. B, I miss you and love you. Gram, thanks for this awesome day!


  1. Sounds like an adventurous and wonderfully fun trip! Enjoy every minute and take advantage of every opportunity. Love you lots!

  2. Have an awesome time and have fun.

  3. Sounds like quite the adventure! Get some sleep girlie and good luck tomorrow ;)

  4. Love this story!! Glad you had Gram with you! Take care!
