Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 4 we are. Day 4. And it was good. So much better than yesterday. Today I was told that they call Wednesday here Weepy Wednesday because it's so hard for most people. I am a perfect example of that. But I went to a few trainers and asked for help and got what I needed. So I'm doing much better today. Let's start with a few pictures from yesterday that I didn't post. This is Pero:

Lots of people drink Pero because it's supposed to be sort of a coffee substitute. No caffeine, all natural, but I guess it tastes similar. I don't know. I've never tried it because It smells AWFUL. I can't sit next to someone drinking this crap because it smells so bad I get sick to my stomach. Yuck! Don't try this!
Here's yesterday's menu:

Instead of the breakfast I had granola and almond milk because I was feeling sick to my stomach and that seemed easier.
This is me when I got to the top of Stop Sign. I loved that sign. I hugged it for a couple of minutes before walking directly to the van and passing out in the back seat while I waited for everyone else to finish. I was first in my group and I really gave that hike everything in me.

Now on to today. The trainers asked me to please try to sleep a little more last night and miss stretch class in the morning. I didn't want to miss it because I felt guilty, but I did as I was told. Now that I'm feeling better, I will go back to that class in the mornings. But I think it was a good choice for this morning because I got a little bit of extra sleep and woke up with more energy. I still didn't necessarily feel 100% but definitely better. Here's the menu:

I ate the breakfast sandwich but it was a struggle because I just feel so full. I only ate half of the fruit that came with it. Breakfast here is not really my favorite. I think I like lunch the best because of the soups. The soup here is amazing.
This is my new friend Iris:

I met Iris and Lisa on Sunday when we met with the Life Coach together. They are such sweet women who are really supportive and funny. Iris gets on a workout high after classes and hikes and starts talking a million miles a minute. Lisa is so fast on the hikes that sometimes she even runs them. But she's such a girl, she has to pose for every picture. They both leave after this week and I will be sad when they go. They cheer for me in cardio classes and save spots for me at the table during meals. I really like them both. Here's Lisa:

This morning our hike was called Ivan's Toe. This is my hiking group. From left to right. Erin, Gail, Julie, me and Vi. I'm very lucky that my whole hiking group will be here next week, except Gail. We will miss her but it's cool that I'll still get to hike with these ladies.

This rock looks like a giant mushroom. I'm being the caterpillar from Alice in Wonderland, pretending my hydration pack is a hooka.

We were supposed to pose in front of this rock but I wanted to climb up on it.

Coming down through big rocks:

Hiking group:

After we did the hike we figured we could push the van back to Fitness Ridge. :)

After the hike we had a pool class called Liquid Moves, which I really enjoyed. I love the pool classes because they aren't as hard on my feet and my 2 blisters. But they are still definitely a work out. No class here is ever a break. They are all hard.
Next was lunch. I forgot to take pictures but we had Sunchoke soup. I really liked the soup but a lot of people didn't. A sunchoke looks kind of like raw ginger and tastes sort of like an artichoke. I added mushrooms, garbanzo beans and green onions to it and it was awesome. Lunch today was the first time I actually felt hungry so I took advantage of it by added the other things to my soup. It was only about 40 extra calories which doesn't make up for the things I didn't eat yesterday or this morning but I'm not worried about that. I'm trying to focus on fueling my body for the workouts. Working on becoming an Intuitive Eater as Emily (nutritionist) calls it.
We also had a Mediterranean pita, which was really good and a little salad.
After lunch we had another pool class, Total Body H2O, which was harder than the first because we had to use the weights.
Next was Ball Works. All doing things with a Pilates ball. It sounds easy, but I promise you that it is not. My arms and abs were aching.
Last class of the day was treading. It's a cardio class where you pick a machine. I chose treadmill again because it's my nemesis. You warm up. Then you go as fast and as hard as you can for 5 minutes. Then a 5 minute cool down. Then you go as fast and hard as you can for 4 minutes. Then a 4 minute cool down. Then 3 minutes, 2 minutes, 1 minute, 45 seconds and finally 35 seconds. It was so so hard. I ran 5.5 mph. It was awesome! I felt so accomplished when I was done. I got on the treadmill right by a poster that says "You're Worth It!" I felt like that helped me push through.
After the classes we had dinner which was stuffed chicken with brown rice and snow peas. I really love the way they add vegetables to the rice, orzo, polenta, etc. I'm going to start adding a lot more veggies for health reasons, and also because it really does taste good.

Dessert was a peach cobbler. The picture doesn't really look like much but it was good.

After dinner I went to a lecture for people who are staying for more than one week. We talked about setting goals for the next week and they asked us to think about it over the weekend and on Monday to choose a trainer to push you and help you for the next week. I can't decide if I'm going to choose Sharon or Nicole. Sharon is funny and really tough but I actually think Nicole is a little tougher. I like them both a lot.
I'm working on the goals I'm setting for next week. I'm supposed to write 6 but I've only written 5 so far. Here's what I've got:
1. I'm going to run at 6 mph for one minute.
2. I'm going to focus more on taking care of myself and getting healthy and less on trying to keep up with everyone else. I have to remember that this is about me and getting the most out of it that I can. It doesn't matter what everyone else is doing.
3. I'm going to always choose treadmill when there is a choice because I hate it and it's hard.
4. I'm going to at least try all the machines in the gym.
5. I'm going to try to eat 3 meals a day and focus on Intuitive Eating, knowing what my body needs.

Yesterday I got mail from 3 amazing girls and it really helped me feel better when I was having a hard time. Thank you so much to Jeanne, Audrey and Amy!
I'm already feeling stronger and that is such an amazing feeling.
Thank you so much for your comments. I check my computer whenever I have a minute to see if anyone has written to me. It means the world to me that you all care so much. Thank you, thank you.
Mom and Dad - Thank you. This is the best possible thing for me and I've already changed so much in the way that I think. I love you guys so much.
Michael - Love you. You would LOVE it here!
Chris - As always, you are the love of my life and my best friend.
I wish I could tell my puppy Guinness that I wish he was here for the hikes and tell Kitten that I miss her tipping over on my face and purring at me at night.


  1. You're a nut! I'm smiling tonight instead of crying. You're obviously feeling better tonight. Your goals are great and I'm sure you'll stick with them. Continue to get everything out of your experience that you can. We think about you all the time and wonder how you're doing. You're doing GREAT! We love that you're making new friends, which doesn't surprise us a bit. Everyone loves you when you're being you! Love you lots, HUGS to you. Get some rest!

  2. What a beautiful place you have for your hikes. Looks like the weather is wonderful. The rocks are beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing the pictures!

  3. Yeah for you. Sounds like you are doing great. I will be coming to Fitness Ridge in first time. I can only stay a week, but I am SO excited. And, a little scared. But, I'm going there to prove to myself that I can do anything! Good luck to you. I'm enjoying reading of your adventures. Thanks for blogging and for the pictures!

    Parker, CO

  4. Well I am glad today was better for you! Do they have Zumba classes? I am sure you will love that! Keep the stories coming and the positive attitude!

  5. Honey, you continue to amaze me! Keep up the good work and have a great time. The pets can't wait to see you and Guinness is itching to get up in the mountains for some hikes! BTW, that peach cobbler looks freaking huge! I think I could get used to this lifestyle change :P.. I love you.

  6. I hope you can feel the great big hug I'm sending you. I'm soooo proud of you. Grandpa too. Keep smiling and have some fun.

  7. Thanks for the post and the pics! That fake coffee stuff sounds gross! Try to have some fun in the midst of all this exercise. It sounds like you are meeting some great women. I am proud of you, Jamie!

  8. I can't believe how much you have learned in four days! The hikes have got to be so beautiful. I can't stop saying how proud I am of you! You are amazing!! So glad day 4 went better for you! Keep up the great work! (by the way, you are running at a faster pace than me) :) Maybe we can run together sometime soon! :)
