Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 3

Hardest day of my life! This one's going to be short because I need to go to bed really really early.

Highlights of the day:
~ Our hike was Stop Sign. It's 4.3 miles uphill the whole way. Pretty steep. I did it in 1 hour and 40 minutes and was the first person in my group to finish.
~ During the hike, the woman behind me said "You're my idol. You work so hard. You just keep going, going, going."
~ Dinner is really good. Salmon with orzo and veggies. I'm eating it right now in my room.
~ I survived the Mountain class, which is the most insane cardio thing I've ever done. I really thought I might die. Nicole, who I think is the toughest trainer, really pushed us and I did so much more than I ever thought I could.
~ I found out that I LOVE Kickboxing. It's amazing and I will definitely be finding a class once I get home to continue that.
~ Everyone here is so nice and so encouraging. I really have met some amazing people.

Low points of the day:
~ After the hike I passed out in the van. Just exhausted. I gave everything I had during that hike and had nothing left to give.
~ I threw up twice today. Finally started crying and went looking for the trainers for help. They told me I actually may be pushing myself too hard during classes and I should maybe take a step back, drink some Propel, go to bed early tonight and try taking dinner back to my room and waiting to eat until I stop feel nauseous and start feeling hungry. That worked. I'm eating now.
~ I'm not feeling well so I'm missing the exciting trip to Target to go to bed at 7:30.

All in all, the day was more good than bad and I hear that Wednesday is the hardest day, so hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow.
I really love reading everyone's comments. It's one of the highlights of my day. I feel very lucky to have so much support.
I love all of you!

B, I love you times infinity.


  1. Jamie, I love getting to read about your experience at Fitness Ridge (and am super super jealous!), but most importantly, I love reading about your personal victories. Growing up, I always looked up to you and Dri, and I've always known how amazing you both are. I'm so happy that you're getting this opportunity to learn how strong and amazing you are, too. I just started training for my first marathon and I haven't really felt like running a whole lot this week but your posts have really inspired me and helped me get through my workouts. I've known you for almost 15 years (yikes...really?), and I'm still looking up to you. I love you, Jamie!

  2. I feel so bad that this is the first time I've read the blog! You are doing so so so amazing, Jamie! I loooove reading your blog and I love how dedicated you are to telling us about the experience let alone doing it. You are one of my heroes! I want to hear about what you've learned if you are up to it when you get back. I LOVE YOU AND IM SO PROUD OF YOU

  3. Jamie-I loved the pictures from your hike. The Hippo Mouth rock was really neat. I can't believe how intense the workouts sound (which is good)! Now when you get back home you will be totally addicted to exercise and good food. You sound like you are happy and have a great attitude. Keep it up! We are all rooting for you here in Poky!


  4. I so wish I could give you a GREAT BIG HUG right now. I've got tears just reading your blog. I'm so proud of you for giving it all you have. You're a strong girl and I love you! Get some good rest. Sounds like you'll need it. Michael told me the 3rd day would be the hardest for you. How did he know that?? Dad says to tell you he's so proud of you and he loves you! HUGS from us both!

  5. Oh yah...your writing is amazing! I agree with what Sera said, you make us feel like we're right there with you! What a gift!

  6. I love kick boxing too. It feels a bit like martial arts. You get to punch stuff, even tho its just air. It just keeps getting harder! Stay strong girlfriend!

  7. I'm so proud of you and all you've accomplished so are AmAzINg!! Just remember all of us back home are rooting for your success! You are an inspiration to me :)
    Love you! Jen

  8. You are so awesome Jamie. I am so impressed you are able to stick with it - sounds very difficult, but rewarding! I really enjoy reading this blog. Thanks!

  9. Honey, I am so proud of how hard you are working and how positive you are about it. You really are just such a strong and wonderful person. I love you so very much! Keep it up!

  10. So proud of you Jamie. When you get back you can teach everyone all the tricks you learned.

  11. Don't overdo it
    Don't under do it
    Just Do It

    You're looking healthier already and I loved your great big smile at the cave. Love ya lots

  12. Jamie! You're AWESOME! Push yourself, make yourself stronger, but don't over do it! Make sure to impress yourself, not anyone else :) LOVE hearing what you're doing, what the people are like, and the yummy looking food! I'm going to look-up the Chef you mentioned!
    And I agree, you write really well! Got tears from the last blog...happy for you girl!
